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Inspired and Book Writings

Marcia has always been inspired to write ever since she was a child at primary school. Literature has always been a great part of Marcia's life. Spirit has joined her over the years with many inspirational and channeled messages for life. Marcia now enjoys seeing others write amazingly inspired and channeled messages from spirit.


As a child, I wrote an amazing story "I Never Want That to Happen to Me Again," title given by my teacher.  I wrote about a man having had a massive car accident and ended up in a wheelchair and eventually died.  I am sure that he - in spirit - inspired me.  I can still remember sitting up till midnight until it was completed. It has stayed with me as it was so strong.  I was only 7 years old, and at that age I had not had any experiences like that ever in my life.


Writing with spirit is amazing as it's so different to your own thoughts and thinking process.






Excerpts from Soul Pathways
There are nine beautiful Souls who have Enriched the pages of this little book. Each developing their gift working with Spiritual Guidance. It's a credit to them all as they inspire me to keep teaching to see such love and light enter the world through so many.
You are but a Rose in my Heart.
You are the rose within my heart that shall always Bloom in the love that I feel for you - it shall last forever.
You gave me so much joy and happiness that it tugs at my memories right now, spilling over into words that flow onto this page. They are not enough to express the love I feel or the moments I had with you, or the radiance of your beautiful soul that ever so briefly touched my life and my heart with such joy.
You, my sweetheart, left way too early, long before your time, and I was not ready for your departure. You left ever so abruptly. One moment I held you, loved you, touched you and then, in a whisper of the word "Mum", you were gone forever from my life, leaving such a vibrant memory in every other way.
I tore my heart in two, and still to this day, its fragile with just the thought of you.
I buried my heart the day it buried you, and for a long-time life was empty, and cold, as your sweet smiling face no longer looked up at me with love and such trust. I know I never failed you as I could not have loved you more, but your memory lingers in my life and my heart like the sweet perfume of the rose and will forever.
The power of love, how it can hold your life still, and yet hold your heart powerlessly in its hand, in beauty, for eternity. You were loved then, and you are loved now and always.
Channeled By Marcia
A gift in the Memory of her daughter Traci who passed.

Light of The Great Spirit


As we link with the Great Spirit.

We allow our own source of nourishment to flow through, as light flows through the Universe. We link with this light and are deeply awakened and inspired by its beauty and simplicity.

As it touches our hearts and links with our thoughts and opens our minds, to the limitless possibilities opening and waiting for us,

By simply allowing ourselves to be within this radiant light vibration as the soul gathers the love and healing it not only inspires us with but allows the potential power of our own inner creativeness to flow through in its own state of light being.



Channelled by Marcia J Quinton 4th November 2003

“The Mask of Life”


A gift that I believe you have is to see beneath the mask that people wear in life.

You will reach out and touch them when you see their hurt, sadness and pain.

It also helps you to see clearly about whom you touch and will allow into your lives.

You have wonderful Healing qualities and should develop them more to reach out into life.


Within all of us is the need to screen what others see.

Hence “The Mask of Life”

It is necessary for us to protect ourselves from being vulnerable to others around us in life.

We do this on an unconscious level most of the time, but there are many occasions that we deliberately shield ourselves from others, it may be a work situation or from friends and strangers or even our own family. For whatever reason is important to us all as individuals.


But during life there are a chosen few who can see beneath the mask of life that protective shield that covers us layer upon layer, those who have that ability are guided by the heart and are guided from the strength of life.


You see the pathway of others sometimes clearly for some and not so clear for others. Those whose path you see easily will often listen and readily act from the help and assistance you give and move forward.

For those you do not see clearly for are much harder to assist and they often resist or reject the help and or information given. Perhaps they were not ready yet to hear what you are saying but you have given them a gift and have sown it in the garden of their conscious mind which will open later when they are ready to accept that help.


So, in the progression of your life path, you have strewn many seeds scattering them far and wide, for what you give to one they in turn share with another so in one small lifetime you have left many seeds throughout life.

If one seed grows even into a small plant, then perhaps your work and efforts are well rewarded from this.

I Hope and pray that this gift brings you your dreams, wishes and desires.

It has been a pleasure making it for you.


Love and Blessings.



Let my Soul Soar.

Looking down on my physical body from high above, feelings of gratitude wash over my soul. Though the path I have walked so far has not been easy, I am grateful for the lessons learnt.

Moving forward on my journey will be easier now, knowing I have let go and forgiven myself and others, lightening the load.

Judgement and expectation are a weight that will no longer drag my spirit down - it has no place in my world.

Channeled by Shauna O'Donnell.

Psychic/Medium, Reiki Master



​Channelled  Writings


I am Love Seek Me and You will always find me.


No matter where you go my heart will always find you. My love is an endless stream of energy flowing around you and through life. I am the Creator; I am The Divine and I love you.



No matter where you are I shall seek you out, wrapping you in my love. I am a restless energy I am everywhere I am love.

16/10 2021


You know who I am, reach for me, touch me, hold me, be with me for I am always with you. For I am the breath of your being.



Love is an emotion that lives with us always, it's there deep within and a great comfort knowing it can and does embrace us and others at any time. Its powerful living vibration a true blessing.





Lord, lift up our hearts and help us to see the light.

Help us to love one another, not to bring hurt and heartache.

Help us to learn to be at peace with each other, to ease each other's suffering,

To be unafraid to reach out or turn to each other for comfort. 

Let your love that you feel for each other, heal each other pain.

Feel strong to seek with Love instead of anger and frustration. 

Be able to bathe yourself in the Love of God, so you will feel a refuge.

A place to be safe, wrapped in the warmth of God's love. 



9th August 2003


A Spiritual Blessing

Enlightenment comes in all forms.
It is one of the greatest gifts that an individual can bring into their lives as they travel their Journey upon the earth. 

The richness of this discovery, that you seek the Light, is indeed a rich and powerful seed that you have cast into your lives. 
To seek enlightenment is to grow and become more fully conscious of the awakening and the journey that lies ahead of you.

That you have sought Enlightenment is indeed a rich and powerful goal for you to contemplate in this life.  

How very special the path is that you find yourself upon; rich in spiritual reward with amazing opportunity to advance your inner personal and spiritual growth.  To nurture this through the service to others supporting and helping where you can. 

This is where your soul awakens and opens like the flower to the sunlight.  As the light shines softly down upon this beauty that opens from within, a cloud of love pours forth dusting life with particles of this love. 

How wonderfully gifted you are as you receive this blessing.  Knowing that the journey ahead may be filled with struggle, but you will endure. Aware that it will increase and enhance your inner personal and spiritual growth despite the struggle to continue to serve, not only thine own needs but the needs of may who will cross your path is a ray of love and desire far too great for you to ignore.  

As your life progresses, the struggle will become "The Enlightenment."

The journey that lies ahead may be difficult, but you will never be alone as there will always be the blessing of God's love in the Arbour of his light and along the way many spirit friends will gather serve, guide, support, assist and help you and all who touch your lives in any way that they can.  

Be ever patient and remember that you first must serve yourself and be kind to this earthly body as it has a rather arduous long journey ahead.  

God's blessing shines upon you all here today so take care and consider well the undertaking ahead of you.  Before you accept the path, pray and contemplate this decision.  I trust you have already well considered the receiving of the spirit and gift of love through the spiritual blessings from spirit.  

This, I am sure, is what you all richly deserve.  My love and blessings are scattered among you.  Accept this gift for it is pure and a light ray that emerges from the depth of our heart.

My souls ever loving light wraps you in the garment of love that all spirit wear."



January 2003












Excerpt from Marcia's new book SOUL PATHWAYS
Now available





Trance Channeller
Reiki Master
Rescue Medium

Spiritual Counselor

Home Blessings

Workshop Leader
Spiritual Ceremonies

Disclaimer by Marcia Quiton

By Law, we are required to include this disclaimer. Healing and Medicine occupy two different planes of existence.  The information contained in this website is not medicine or medical information but energy healing and does not constitute medical advice.  In case of serious illness, consult a medical professional of choice.

​©Marcia Quinton   All rights reserved ~ 2017

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